Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Moon Songs Vibrates Within You

Believe it or not! The Moon is one of the most sung about themes this century, from fairy romantic lyrics to funky darker ones in which talents like Pink Floyd's have printed their view of the moon from a different telescope sight.

From Gregorian chants to folk songs, and medieval ballads to carols, musicians and songwriters like Eric Clapton, Joni Mitchell and Neil Young have kept the bumped skin of the Moon inside the memory of lovers, nature followers, and even of astrologers.

The Moon, in Astrology, is the ruler of Cancer. The Moon represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious. Where the Sun acts, the Moon reacts; the Moon is our spontaneous and instinctual reactions. Imagine now how to put this into words... there you have lots of tunes & songs saved in original sheets and playable music formats.

The oldest recorded Moon song of this century and the most popularized of all Moon songs is Shine On Harvest Moon, written in 1903 by Nora Bayes and Jack Nortworth. And it is my due to place here a humble list of moon songs and its performers, all of them ranging the spheres of music such as New Age, Rock & Pop, Bluegrass & Country, Contemporary, and never forget the Oldies but Goodies.


Harvest Moon, by Neil Young.

Dancing On A White Moon, by Tangerine Dream New Age moon song.

Blue Moon, originally written by Rodgers and Hart, and later recorded by Elvis Presly and Louis Armstrong.

The Moon Is Down, by Gentle Giant.

Blue Moon of Kentucky, by Bill Monroe.

Black Moon, Emerson Lake and Palmer.

It's Only a Paper Moon, by Arlen, Harburg, and Rose. Later by Leon Parker.

Monkberry Moon Delight, Sir Paul McCartney.

Moon Over Bourbon Street, by Sting.

Children Of The Moon, by Alan Parsons.

Dancin' In The Moonlight, by King Harvest.

Moonlight Feels Right.

Moondance, by Van Morrison.

Midnight Moonlight, and Missisippi Moon, by Greateful Dead.

Everyone's Gone To The Moon, Johnathan King.

Mountains of the Moon, and Picasso Moon, by Greateful Dead.

Carolina Moon.

Pink Moon.

Moonlight and Roses.

Standing On The Moon.

Moon River, by Henri Mancini.

The Whole Of The Moon.

Moonlight Bay.

Yellow Moon.

By The Light Of the Silver Moon.

Beautiful Moon of Kentucky.

Tubas In The Moonlight, by the Bonzo Dog Band.

Moonshadows, by Cat Stevens.

Moon Over Kentucky, by John Mankey and Ron Mael.

Song About the Moon, by Paul Simon.

Ticket To The Moon, by Electrick Light Orchestra.

Bad Side of the Moon, by Elton John and Bernie Taupin.

Heading For The Moon, by Cyndi Lauper, Stephen Broughton Lunt, and A. Stead.

There's A Moon In The Sky, by B-52's.

Moonage Daydream, by David Bowie.

Yuri-G, by PJ Harvey.

Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by, has a profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally means Soul of the Cross in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies. Brynn Blog43851
Barb Blog82843

Fast Car Loans - Buy Car Instantly at Your Terms

You need to buy a car but you do not want to wait endlessly as there may be delay in taking a loan. By the time the loan comes in your hands price of the car may escalate out of your reach. So you need a car loan to be approved fast. Well, fast car loans are made especially for fast approval of the required funds for the borrowers.

Fast car loans are approved fast because they are designed for the purpose. There are many ways that a loan seeker can take fast car loans quickly. One of the first conditions for fast car loans is that you should apply online for the loan. The loan application reaches the lender in no time just when you click the mouse. This enables lenders in processing loan application in less time. If the details given by the applicant in the loan application are found correct the loan is in the borrowers account within next day. So fill the details correctly in online loan application.

Another reason for fast approval of fast car loans is that the time wasted for valuation of collateral is saved. Often lenders secure the loan through the deal papers of the car the loan seeker intends to buy. The estimate value of the car is already known to the lender as the car make is mentioned in the loan application. On the basis of the car model and its value the lender can quickly decide over the loan amount to be offered.

Because the loan is a secured one, it comes at lower interest rate. On comparing different lenders individual interest rates one can achieve even further reduced interest rate. The loan can be repaid as per your convenience but lenders often offer a shorter repayment period of few years.

Your bad credit is no major hurdle in availing fast car loans. All you do is assure the lender that his loan is safe and will be returned in due time. Make a convincing repayment plan and show your adequate repayment capacity through annual income and steady employment proof. Your bank statement also is useful in convincing the lender. Take a copy of your credit report and check it for errors before approaching a lender. If you can pay off some of easy debts this also helps in making a loan offer friendlier.

Fast car loans are useful in providing a timely finance for buying a car. The loan is availed at lower interest rate and other conditions are kept easier for fast approval of the loan. Pay off the loan in time as this will improve your credit score also.

Ashley Lewis has been associated with New Used Car Loans. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Cranfield School of Management. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful. To find more about Bad credit used car loans, Fast car loans, Military car loans, Low interest car loans, Easy car loans visit Blog61960
Andria Blog11398

Panama Mortgage Investor Program

Introduction - Panama is a wonderful place for real estate investors. Panama is the number one retirement haven in the world. Panama is the number one tax haven in the world. Panama has the worlds second largest duty free-zone, Hong Kong being the worlds largest duty free zone. Panama is a city of about 9 square miles and has 135 real estate projects under construction in and around the city and another 50 or so projects not yet started. Now comes the Panama Canal expansion which will involve lots or workers and expenditures well into the billions of dollars. Panama real estate is in the early years of a boom cycle with steeply rising prices.

Why Mortgages? Because it is a secure way to realize a generous return on your investment. With real estate appreciation going the way it has been in the last two years your investment outlook is encouraging to say the least.

How does it work? We legally represent you the lender as your law firm in Panama. You use an offshore (outside of Panama) Corporation and bank account in a tax haven country to avoid any Panama taxation issues on the interest income generated from the loan payments as well as avoiding any taxation in the jurisdiction the corporation and bank are located. If the loan payments are sent to a bank offshore to Panama there would be no Panama taxation. A bearer share corporation in a tax haven out of Panama can be used to cover the transaction with anonymity or one could receive the funds into a personal bank account if they were not interested in anonymity. Only prime properties purchased at below market rates would be considered. The LTV would never exceed 75% and would be calculated against two appraisals from recognized appraisers. The borrower would be acquiring the real estate so these would be purchase money instruments, not refinancing, not construction, not land loans and not against commercial property, just residential property. The borrower would be using an anonymous Panama Bearer Share Corporation to acquire the real estate. The underwriting of the loan would be strictly against the property only. There would be no credit reports and no financial information on the borrowers to protect their privacy. The bearer share corporation that is buying the real estate would pledge the stock certificates of the corporation to the lender which essentially gives the lender the control over the real estate contractually in the event of a default. This would avoid normal foreclosure procedures. The contract between borrower and lender would stipulate that in the event three consecutive payments were not made, you the lender would have control of the property and would be able to sell it. The exact terms are negotiable. The borrower would not have a rental agreement. You can control how many consecutive payments would need to be missed but the borrower has to agree to the terms as well so they must be acceptable to both sides. We can arrange for a company to service the loan or you can do so yourself, there really isnt very much to do. In the event of a missed payment or default we can represent you as your law firm and inquire of the borrower, proceed to recover your investment, etc. We could arrange for annual inspections, etc. We can use several strategies to effectively maintain your privacy and anonymity as a lender.

Details Of course the rate of return is going to be an important consideration. You could figure on a rate of at least 1 % over the 5 year CD rate in a substantial Panama Bank. The rate is generally going to be fixed but a variable could be negotiated, depends on the borrower. The term of the loan can be 5 to 15 years. A 5 year interest only loan is popular. There are sixty payments, 59 payments are interest only on the entire principal and the 60th payment is a balloon payment for the principal. This means at the end of the five years the borrower must pay off the note, refinance, sell or roll the mortgage over if you are willing. On the other hand you could do a 15 year fully amortized mortgage. Prepayment penalties can be negotiated. If the properties are owner occupied or not will vary on a case by case basis. Borrowers will provide adequate property insurance made out in favor of the corporation owning the property. The borrowers often live in several countries and move around throughout the year. Generally the borrowers will not be Panama citizens, thus the borrowers will not be appearing in any Panama credit reports. Panamanians can get 90% financing from conventional lenders with terms extending out to 25 years depending on how old they are. Non-Panamanians have a hard time financing real estate in Panama especially if they are older and retired. Lenders will often ask them to post life insurance and require very large down payments like up to 40%. Owner financing in Panama is something rarely ever encountered. Property values will be at least $200,000 so the loan amount would be $150,000 as a minimum. It is difficult to find prime properties for less than this amount. We have no maximum value. Penthouses in the newer projects run in excess of one million dollars and are often 7,000 sq. ft. in size occupying a whole floor. Many single family homes are over 7,000 sq. ft. If we are dealing with a loan amount in excess of one million dollars one could generally expect a slightly higher interest rate.

Investors Please contact us for further details.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Brier Blog6196
Alica Blog97818

The Mayors College Fair Provides Tuition Assistance for Washington D.C. Schools

The Mayors College Fair brings together a variety of programs available for the Washington D.C. schools and their students preparing for college tuition costs. This event takes place on September 15, 2006 and provides information about a variety of college tuition assistantship programs. Students in the Washington D.C. schools are encouraged to attend the Mayors College Fair in order to learn more about the special programs open to them as Washington D.C. students.

The Mayors College Fair is being held for the first time this year as part of the Washington D.C. schools effort to coordinate the various assistantships available to graduating seniors as well as provide a public forum for discussing and disseminating this information. Hopefully, this will become an annual event at the beginning of each school year as a new class of seniors looks forward to the joys and burdens of financing a college education. This meeting will hopefully provide a structure for students in Washington D.C. schools seeking guidance about financial aid programs and packages available for Washington D.C. students.

The D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program

One program that has promised great potential in aiding Washington D.C. school graduates pay for college is the D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program (DCTAGP). This program has been going on since 2000 and provided over $100 million towards the education costs of DC residents attending college. This program covers the difference between instate and out of state tuition, up to $10,000 per year for qualified applicants. The grant can be extended over six years at any public college or university nationwide. In addition, there are limited funds available for students attending private colleges in the Washington D.C. area as well as two year community colleges nationwide.

The D.C. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program

The D.C. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (DCLEAP) provides $1500 annually to those Washington D.C. school residents who show financial need. This award can be used at any accredited university nationwide. These funds are intended to be used to fill the gaps in a students financial aid package and cover many of the costs other than tuition that many students face when paying for books, housing, etc. This program is designed to help Washington D.C. school residents to find the extra help that they need to make ends meet while in college.

The D.C. Adoption Scholarship Program

The DC Adoption Scholarship (DCAS) provides up to $10,000 a year for post-high school education and training of District of Columbia children who were adopted through DCs Child and Family Services Agency, and/or children who lost one or both parents in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. These funds are meant to help lower the financial burden to those who lost their parents due to the terrorist attacks and now must take the burden of paying for college on themselves. The grants are targeted toward those members of the community most affected by the attacks as well as keeping community awareness high about the continued impact that the attacks have had on the United States.

Stacey Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacey has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Austina Blog80033
Allianora Blog42810

What Is Energized Business Growth?

As a leader, what would your life look like if your marketing strategy were clear, focused, and exciting?

Despite the amount of industry growth, margin erosion, and talent shortage, the DREAM of doing more of what you love is alive, and it's doing well. It simply takes time and patience to learn how to get it.

After spending over a year personally interviewing top performing CEOs, I found that leaders running energized growth companies ruthlessly ask three questions throughout the life of their busines:

* What are we PASSIONATE about?
* What can we be EXCELLENT at doing?
* How well does it fuel our ECONOMIC ENGINEcan we be paid well for it?

Jim Collins' "Good to Great" is a timeless guidebook that helps us focus on these questions. Peter Drucker inspired Jim. And Napoleon Hill probably inspired Peter with the results of his interviews of over 200 turn-of-the-century tycoons.

Let's fast forward to today. How often do you HONESTLY answer these questions? And how swiftly do you make needed changes to your company's growth strategy?

If you answered "seldom" or "never," you're not alone.

That's because it's easy for any entrepreneur to plan for growth. But few plan for energized growth. That is because services professionals and consultants share several common obstacles:

1. Saying "yes" to too many things. How many times have you been stuck in your office at midnight, working on some volunteer project, and missing another moment to enjoy their children? If this has happened to you, it is possible that obligation, guilt, and "should do" lists rule your life.

2. Discovering that former best selling products don't make money like they used toyet they stay on the product list. Every month becomes a contest to see whether they will be profitable. This often leads to employees not knowing the behaviors and measures that drive profitable business. Therefore, non-selling employees cannot explain how their job ties to the financial success of the company!

3. Not knowing what ideas should be pursued. Every idea seems valid, and you may be equally excited by each one. Should you do them all at once or one at a time? Which ideas will pay off? Most over-committed entrepreneurs lack any feedback system to separate 'good ideas' from viable business models.

4. Having more tasks to do than hours in the day. They let themselves get distracted with every "ring" on their computer telling them another e-mail has come in. Other people's priorities rule their day, and many of them are not customers. These leaders typically say they are overwhelmed and exhausted.

5. Trading hours for dollars. Few founders have discovered the passive income route in their companies. Often, they think 'hours for dollars' is the only method to generate revenue.

Sometimes they stay in the 'hours for dollars' trap because they don't know how to command higher rates in their field and be viewed as an industry expert. Or, they are missing out entirely on a brand new opportunity to grow their business because they are heavily focused on product delivery. They do not have the mindset of an expert who surrounds herself with technicians and specialists. Four steps can help you avoid these strategic planning maladies...

Eliminate hidden roadblocks getting in the way of your growth. Develop a set of ruthlessly honest questions and share with your team. If they are well developed, they will reveal an area of your business that is DRAINING YOU of profits and opportunity. My five focused questions took me months to developand they work every time.

* Know your style, natural gifts, and blind spots as an entrepreneurial leader. Invest a few thousand dollars in personality assessments (such as PDP, MBTI and Predictive Index) for new hires and potential top performers. Have you ever measured the impact of one bad hire? Applying this strategy will cost a fraction of that hit to your bottom line.

* Develop a feedback system to ensure your company's "hedgehog" honors your financial and personal goals. If you are a private or family owned business, you answer to yourself and your familynot Wall Street. Hire an objective outsider to gather the feedback. Our 'built in' human filters block important information if you try doing this alone! Just look at the recent accusations directed at Vice President Dick Cheney by former high-ranking military officials for perpetuating "groupthink."

* Create a custom dashboard to communicate, guide and measure growth in your companyand focus more on what is of highest value to your employees and customers. If you are currently using only trailing indicators to lead your business, chances are you have made costly strategic choices in the past. Author and seasoned CEO Gary Sutton shares profitable growth wisdom in his newest book, "Corporate Canaries". A man of few (but powerful) words, he says "One of the three ways to kill your company is to have fuzzy direction. Even while Fortune and Business Week and all the others were naming Enron 'Company of the Year,' nobody could describe what they were doing. If you don't have two or three forward indicators, your controls are incomplete."

You can Energize Growth today in your company. Don't even wait to complete these four steps. Begin now by asking: "What habits do we need to succeed, and what questions will help us reinforce them?"

Clarity and focus can really be exciting. Build some new habits, and your life is guaranteed to look different.

Copyright 2006, Lisa Nirell

Lisa Nirell is the Chief Energy Officer of EnergizeGrowth in Sunriver, OR. She works with services firms who are burnt out on working with too many unprofitable clients. Beitris Blog24566
Arlena Blog23163

Conservative Report Applauds Bush And Progress Of Florida Schools

The Koret Task Force is a group of Hoover Institution scholars and conservative think tank. The group released a nine-month review report in September that commends Governor Jeb Bush on his efforts to reform the Florida schools.

The results were formally announced at an Orlando Hotel with the members of the Task Force and Bush present, as well as Representative Ralph Arza, a Republican from Hialeah and chairman of the House Pre K-12 Committee.

Paul E. Peterson, the editor for the report, commended Bushs implementation of voucher programs, especially the McKay Scholarship and Corporate Tax Credit programs, both of which pay for students to attend private schools (McKay covers disabled children and the Corporate program covers impoverished children). He called the programs trendsetters for the rest of the nation. Peterson also praised the newly implemented merit-based pay system for Florida schools teachers, the first statewide program of its type in the United States.

The report encouraged the state legislature to restore the Opportunity Scholarship Program for the Florida schools, which the Florida Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional in January. The program enabled students who had attended Florida schools graded as F twice within four years to use state money to attend private schools.

The report stated that Florida schools students had made impressive gains in reading and math on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (F-CAT) since 1998. The Florida schools also are better than the national average in closing the achievement gap between minority students and whites.

The Task Force recommends that the Florida schools accountability system should place more emphasis on student growth, rather than overall performance. Another recommendation is for a less centralized control of Florida schools with more room for individual schools to decide how to spend classroom funding.

The report supports Bushs efforts to repeal the class size reduction amendment, passed by voters in 2002. Besides being too costly for the Florida schools, Peterson stated that very little evidence supported its benefits and recruiting enough experienced teachers is difficult.

Though the study was intentionally conducted by academics in order to distance it from political views that frame the current educational debate, many question the validity of the report. Mark Pudlow, spokesman for the Florida Education Association, the states teacher union, particularly took issue with the reports recommendation to make the probation period for Florida schools teachers five years versus three, noting that it takes away more teacher involvement. As to the other results found by the report, he said they were exactly what the Union expected, with Bush supporters funding it.

The $250,000 report was privately funded with the aid of two Republican donors Outback Steakhouse founder Chris Sullivan and Ft. Lauderdale cardiologist Dr. Zachariah P. Zachariah. Both men have donated extensively to GOP causes, including Bushs campaigns.

Representative Arza said he would fight to protect the governors reforms, as well as to implement the recommendations of the task force to the legislature, including the repeal of the class size reduction amendment for the Florida schools.

We have made progress in this state over the last eight years, noted Bush at the ceremonies. We know, because we measure. Its one of the guiding principles of what we do.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Florida schools visit Blog80782
Carmela Blog29263

Oil Change Franchising - Is it the Opportunity for You?

Lets take a look at why oil change franchising makes a whole lot of sense and what to look for in a company that's offering oil change franchising opportunities.

Start Up Expenses

Every franchise requires some out of pocket money from you and oil change franchising is no exception. In addition, getting any kind of business up and running takes a fair amount of work in the beginning, but none of this should stop you from getting into what many think is a great long-term investment.

More and more oil change franchising companies offer start up assistance to people who want to own a franchise. This help comes in the forms of financial assistance, site selection and special training so that your business has the best opportunity to succeed. Finding a company thatll help you with these can make all of the difference between success and failure.

You'll also want to be on the lookout for an oil change franchising company willing to help you with marketing and advertising so that the public is aware of what you offer, when you offer it and any specials that happen to be running.

Demand for Oil Change Franchises

A good barometer for the success of any business is customer demand. Is your product or service something that people are going to need or is it something that theyll likely buy on a whim? People are busier than ever before and don't have the time to maintain their vehicles like they used to.

It doesnt matter if theyre men or women, theyre not going to be satisfied with making an appointment, taking the car to the local garage and leaving it for a few hours just to get an oil change. They want to be able to stop in before they pick the kids up from school, or while theyre out running errands, and have the work done in 10 or fifteen minutes so they can be on their way.

This is one of the reasons that oil change franchising makes so much sense for a business owner. And getting your oil changed isnt something thats seasonal like other business opportunities. Its something that people need to do all year round regardless of the weather outside.

Ease of Set Up

Franchise businesses vary as much in what they offer as they do in how easy they are to get started. Some require minimal know-how and a relatively small amount of space while others demand intense training, a large staff and huge inventories.

Oil change franchising falls somewhere in between. Most facilities take up very little real estate and don't require much in the way of building costs. Some oil change franchising companies even go so far as to offer modular buildings that go up quickly at a relatively low expense to the investor.

And while the actual business of changing oil is pretty straightforward, there will be some training needed when it comes to computer systems, hiring and staffing, and disposal of waste material.

A good oil change franchiser will provide you with the right help with these things in the beginning so that you get off on your best foot.

The Bottom Line

So is an oil change franchise the right business for you? Well, only you can say for sure. But there are plenty of benefits that make it a very attractive opportunity and a good long-term investment.

And when looking for a oil change franchiser, make sure they're going to be with you every step of the way. It's surprising, but there are a lot of companies out that throw their franchise owners to the wolves, which makes no sense for the company or the oil change franchise owner.

A good oil change franchise company will treat you like part of a team and still let you run your business.

Tim LaGanke, Jr. is president of QuickChange Oil, a 10 minute oil change center, with locations across Cleveland, Ohio. QuickChange is currently seeking applicants interested in the oil change franchising business. Please contact LaGanke at for more information. http://www.quickchangeoil.comAshlan Blog77277
Candi Blog72972

Golf Vacations: What You Need To Know

Vacation time is here! Pack up your clothes. Pack up your shoes. Pack up your toothbrush, toothpaste, and some sunscreen. And, of course, don't forget to pack the most important thing of all: your golf bag. Welcome to Golf Vacation 101. Let's take a look at some things to consider when planning the golf vacation of your dreams.

Well, we may as well get the bad stuff taken out of the way first and confront question number one:

How much vacation money do you have saved?

I know, I know... you probably don't have a fortune saved up for your golf vacation. After all, you just finished paying for a new Hybrid club and then there were those Christmas presents you had to buy a few months ago...

But whatever the case - no matter how much money you do or don't have - you can find a golf vacation that's just right for you. If you do happen to have a lot to spend to get away, you would be wise to go where the warm weather beckons golfers from all across the world. How about the southern United States? California? The Virgin Islands? Hawaii? Why, you could see a volcano or three while you tee up on the green.

But if you don't have the funds available for extravagant vacations such as these, (remember, not only do you have to pay golf fees, but you must also cover hotel stay, transportation, food, and other activities) you could take a much cheaper vacation. If you live on the East Coast of the United States, you could drive yourself and a few friends to a golf club a few hours south to play for a few days. Granted, it may not be a resort-like atmosphere, but if you are there strictly for the golf, that shouldn't even matter!

Are you bringing non-golfers on your trip?

If you are bringing along girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, or family members who don't want to golf but who do want to get away with you, you should try to chose a golf place that is close to other attractions such as shopping malls, amusement parks, movie theatres, or beaches. Many golf resorts even offer packages that allow you and your guests to 'stay and play'. Most of these resorts offer packages to save you money on room and greens fees. Look at all of the ins and outs and read between the fine lines of the packages you are looking into before making a final decision about which place to choose. This way, you won't be the only one who gets to have fun on the vacation. And, while your family stays entertained, this makes more and more time for you to tee up!

Is your potential vacation course challenging enough for you?

If you are concerned about having an overly difficult or not-difficult-enough course to play on while you vacation, realize that most golf resorts offer a variety of courses available to choose from. After all, these places realize that all golfers have different abilities, likes, and dislikes. If you are very concerned though, it never hurts to speak with people from the resort by phone, or even talk to past guests that you know stayed in the same place. A little opinion can go a far way!

Finally, make sure that you enjoy your vacation and your golf. Typically vacation time comes around only once a year for most people. So make the most of your fun in the sun!


Perhaps the most basic consideration when choosing destinations and courses is the difficulty level of the courses you're considering. Generally speaking, many fine golf destinations have a variety of courses available, which will allow golfers of various abilities to enjoy themselves, so this factor may impact more which courses you choose rather than which destination you decide upon.

Weather, Seasons, and Related Concerns:

On the flip side, if you or your group eats, sleeps and plays golf while traveling, assuming the handicap and letter of introduction requirements do not pose a problem, traveling to the U.K. during the summer months can be a golfer's dream, since the sun in that part of the world does not set until as late as 10 or 11 p.m. and rises again by 4 or 5 a.m. This allows for 36 holes a day, with daylight to spare for other activities.

Off Season?

Many golf travelers like to save money by traveling off-season. This is a great idea, provided they've thought about the drawbacks as they pertain to them. Some golfers don't mind playing in the rain, heat, or the wind, and their or their companions' age or health is not a factor. For example, prices are down sharply in Florida and Palm Springs during the summer months - for those who can stand the heat (and in the case of Florida, the humidity).

Other Activities:

What else is there besides golf? And does it matter for your purposes? As mentioned above, weather can cause you to reconsider your plans to play, and even the hardiest players are occasionally faced with course closings due to weather. If this happens, you may be stuck with very little to do. Or, you may be traveling with a family, spouse, or others who do not play, in which case you will need to be sure there's plenty for everyone to do.

How Many Courses Do You Need?

Another factor worth considering is the amount of time you have to play, and how many courses you have the time and desire to play. For a weekend getaway, you might consider a destination with only one or a few courses - a destination that otherwise would prove unsuitable for a weeklong excursion. Bald Head Island, North Carolina, for example, is a wonderful private island destination where the only mode of transportation is golf carts. It's a fine, quiet place to relax for adults or families, with terrific beaches, a couple of restaurants, and nice accommodations consisting mainly of rental houses and a couple of bed and breakfasts. The island has only one golf course (albeit an excellent one), although you can take the ferry to the mainland (where you will have parked your car) to take advantage of the hundreds of courses in nearby Myrtle Beach, SC and Brunswick, NC - all within about a half hour's drive.

Matthew Hick has been designing profitable Niche Adsense Websites for over 5 years.Becki Blog51914
Caye Blog96435

Buying Diamond Jewelry: Know What To Look For

In judging diamond jewelry it is a common occurrence to get a diamonds shape and the cut mixed up. The cut of a diamond describes the performance of light, dimensions, and finish. Shape is just the outline of the diamond from a top view. In judging diamond jewelry you must make sure there is a good cut.

The cut of the diamond has the biggest effect on the sparkle of the diamond. A diamond that has immaculate color and is very clear can look dull with a poor cut on the stone.

In judging the value of a diamond the color of the diamond is a major factor. The diamonds with the least amount of coloring are worth the most. Even a very small amount of color in the gem can make it so the diamonds brilliance is diminished. The higher grade the diamond is the more expensive it will be.

The weight of the carats in the diamond is important when judging diamond jewelry. The diamond in the jewelry in terms of its weight is measured in carats. Considering diamonds that are larger are also rarer than smaller diamonds the value rises very much when the weight increases. If you are buying a diamond from a wholesaler they must by law tell you the carat weight in the piece of jewelry.

In judging diamond jewelry look to see how many flaws are on the diamond. Flaws, also called inclusions, are rare and are highly valued. How the clarity is graded is based on the number, size, location, and type of the flaws found within the diamond. Make sure the flaws are picked out as if they are not the diamond will be much more expensive.

Make sure to check the cut, carat weight, color, and flaws on the diamond in the jewelry to make sure you are getting the best deal. Considering a diamond can be very expensive it is wise to understand all of these factors or get a professional to judge it for you. Also make sure the diamond is certified as the certification will guarantee its authenticity.

David Flinthoff writes for a website full of articles and resources.Betsy Blog8383
Belita Blog30091

Bank Operating Line of Credit and Letters of Credit

Banking - Business Loan Application

Operating Lines of Credit and Letters of Credit

You are probably wondering what a series on business banking essentials is doing on a natural health website.

Well, stress caused by financial worries will eventually adversely affect your health. Many business owners operate under constant financial pressure, and this series on commercial banking and commercial finance will arm them with the knowledge that they need to deal confidently with diverse business situations, and with their bank managers. Knowledge is comforting, it is the fear of the unknown that is stressful.

How can I help you? I obtained my Chartered Accountant designation (I'm retired now) in Australia. Upon moving to Canada, I worked for a wholly owned Canadian subsidiary of an American bank. Over time, I rose to become the Senior Vice-President responsible for the commercial finance division. This division granted flexible operating lines of credit, which included letters of credit for importers. In this career, I encountered numerous different types of businesses including trading, manufacturing and importing.

This is not intended to be a detailed accounting or banking course. I have put together the essential information you need in order to give yourself the best chance of succeeding in your business. I shall tell you what your bank manager would like to hear from you at your meetings. I shall tell you the early warning signs that your business needs positive action.

These comments are not for retail business; they apply to wholesalers, importers and manufacturers.

To cover the vast amount of banking information, even in thumbnail format, I shall break it down into various segments. Some will apply to your business, others may not. I am intentionally phrasing the segments in very simple layman's terms. I would advise you to discuss my advice with your accountant, or even your banker, before you decide to act on it.

This first segment deals with the initial loan application. It is assumed that you are applying for an operating line of credit, which may, or may not, include letters of credit. The actual loan within the line of credit will fluctuate at different times, depending on the cashflow, but the bank will put an upper limit which you cannot exceed without special authorization. The limit of the operating line of credit is determined by the bank after evaluating various aspects of your business, including your equity in it.

There is certain basic information that the financial institution requires in order to make the decision to finance your business. You must come to the appointment with the bank armed with this information, ideally accompanied by your accountant who prepared the information package.

" Financial Statements for the past three years

" Pro forma financial statement for the year to date

" Cashflow projections for the current year

" List of aged accounts receivable

" List of aged accounts payable

" Summary of inventory

From the above documents, the bank will ascertain whether your business was profitable in the past, and whether it appears to be profitable this year.

The cashflow projections will show how high the financial involvement will peak at, and how well the loan will be collateralized at any given time.

The accounts receivable list will disclose the quality of the customers and whether a significant percentage of them is delinquent.

The accounts payable list will reveal whether your business is up-to-date with its payments to suppliers.

The inventory summary will show the nature of the inventory and give an indication of whether it can be sold readily.

In addition to examining the above documentation in detail, be aware that a credit check will be done on the business to ascertain if there is any outstanding litigation, and as to its creditworthiness.

Knowing all this, be sure to have satisfactory explanations for any aspects that may appear detrimental to the bank.

It is important to keep in mind that the ideal customer for an operating line of credit, as far as the bank is concerned, is one who:

" Is profitable

" Needs the credit to finance profitable growth

" Does not require too high a loan/equity ratio

" Has adequate collateral to cover the loan at all times

" Has collateral that can be liquidated easily

" Has excellent credit rating

Your strategy? When making the loan application:

" stress the good value of the assets that support the equity of the business.

" Point out that the inventory is current, or can easily be sold.

" Explain that your accounts receivable are up-to-date and that delinquent receivables have been provided for.

" If you have unencumbered fixed assets, point out that there is additional collateral for the bank in them.

" Advise the bank that you have adequate fire insurance to protect the assets, and personal life insurance that could be used to protect the bank, if necessary.

" Recognise that the banker looks to collateral to repay the loan if the business fails. The banker is not really interested in intangible assets, such as goodwill, even though they could be very valuable.

Jay Chatterjee & his partner, Roshmi Raychaudhuri, maintain a site on natural health information and remedies. Stress plays an important part in health, and finances play an important part in causing stress. In order to use natural techniques to improve finances (such as meditation and mental concentration), one has to understand the basic principles of finance.Bambi Blog34291
Barbie Blog62848

Website Creation: 5 Point Plan to Keep Sane and Get Your First WebSite on the Internet

HELP! Get Me Started Online Now!
5 Short Steps to Getting Your Own Site on the Internet
By Simon Loveday

Anyone wanting to start out on the Internet, although perfectly capable offline, may feel like a dummy when it comes to starting out online. Just the sheer volume of competing and distracting information available is enough to get you banging your head on the table in frustration.

There is just so much but it often fails to consider the position of the complete beginner's question, 'Where do I start?'

This is something the pros who have grown up with and often made the Internet what it is today do not consider when they expound ever more complex strategies and the latest of the advanced pieces of software. Novices, however, need a clear and simple path to follow so that they can get some experience behind them and the confidence to adopt the more esoteric possibilities that abound.

So, what is the first thing to do?

Well, the order is debatable, but we can break the process down into just 5 Clear Steps.

1. First, you really do need to think about what your intentions are and what you hope to do online. Iff, for example, you merely want to have your thoughts recorded for posterity - or a group of friends, then a blog (think online diary) could well the way to start. Usually free to use and maintain, they are the simplest and quickest way to begin. If you are thinking of something more 'businesslike' then, read on.

2. For someone hoping to operate a business or community site -and assuming you are not an expert of HTML (the basic language of the web), you will need to get yourself a sensible piece of site building software. Free is possible, but be prepared for no or slow customer support and bugs that do not get fixed or attended to promptly. (You will also find that 'free' often means expenses elsewhere - either in 'additional services' that are often included in the commercial packages or limitations that have to be overcome. And your time, remember, should not be counted as free, viz Economics 101.) Rather, a robust and supported software is preferable, as well as one that does not require a PhD in Computing to follow the manual.

3. Next, you will need to think of a name for your site. Once you've done that, get it registered at a domain registration service. This should cost no more than a yearly fee of $10 (down from $70 or more just a few years ago!).

4. Now, you will need a reliable 'hosting' company. This is essentially another set of computers -'servers' - that make your site accessible 24/7 to other computer users. Monthly packages are available and are probably the best as you are not locked into a poor service for long and they have to work hard to maintain customer satisfaction. Think around $10 a month for this. You will then transfer your new domain name to the hosting company if they are different.

5. Finally, you will 'upload' your site to your hosting company. This is the scariest part of all for newcomers - I know, I was worried that if I made a mistake I would possibly blow-up my hosting company's system when I first tried. LOL. They have rebuilt, now, though, I hear.

There, 5 Steps to Getting Online! Essentially, that is what it is all about. Alright. I know. The devil is in the details. But at least you now know what to look for. I wish I had understood that when I was starting out. But now you do, so go to it. Good Luck.

For reviews of the best software and services to make your website, visit Simon's site at

Simon Loveday has been online for a number of years takes the toil and knows the frustration - and fears - out of getting online and making a success of it. You will be surprised how simply you can do it as he enjoys explaining in easy to understand terms. For more helpful information, software reviews and recommendations visit Simon's site at: http://www.internetbiznessxpress.comBeth Blog15571
Ardys Blog94507

Educational Toys, Software and Kid's Furniture Enhance Learning and Growth

Educational Toys, Software and Children's Furniture Magnify Growth and Learning

Educational interactive games fosters learning and entertainment all at once. Better any child's educational abilities while using interactive spelling, science, math and language software. A child's schooling is considerably increased as they experience and examine a wide array of challenges and circumstances that enlist well advised educational concepts. Computer programmers along with educators and parents have been able to design software that builds in difficulty as the kid betters in their understanding. They additionally reassure the child to continue trying without causing them to feel as though they've failed. Learning software has been developed for every level, every age group, and every subject imaginable.

Doctor's office toys are ideal for any office or foyer. Kids appreciate time waiting for appointments with doctors when they can play with fun, enjoyable and developmental toys and playthings. With the large selection of activity centers that are available right now, kids should be distracted, entertained and not bothering patients and patrons. Waiting rooms differ in sizes and shapes, which is why activity centers can be found in a large variety as well. We have activity centers to suit the needs of every office.

Kid's furniture helps their creativity to take root and take an active part in their growth and development. To illustrate, children love playing dress up since they're part of a fascinating world allowing dreams to become a reality at least for a moment in time. From art desks to kitchens, your child will love their own, ever developing and changing world of pretend. Locating quality children's furniture that's sturdy, handsomely decorated and enchanting is not as difficult as many think. Just make certain your kid's furniture has a non-toxic coating and is made of real wood (not particle board or compressed wood) to assure durability and high quality.

Maxim and Elenco are two brand names we endorse highly when shopping for the very best educational toys and presents for your children. They specialize in making playthings captivating and educational. With a large range of learning toys that magnify a child's dextral and creativity skills, you cannot miss with any of their products and merchandise. Kids will enjoy working and construction with their busy imaginations. The sky is the limit when playing with these acclaimed toys, playthings and building sets. Your future genius, space explorer, scientist or discoverer should have the ideal beginning for their future--Joy.

Grace West is a content writer for who writes about the very best in toys and playthings such as team building toyspuzzles, robotics, train sets and science kits.Aubry Blog88653
Alison Blog24197

How To Get A Cheap Tempurpedic Mattress

Tempurpedic Mattresses are considered the top of the line memory foam mattresses anywhere. Unfortunately, the prices of tempurpedic mattress arent considered cheap and many people cant afford a tempurpedic mattress

It used to be each distributor and dealer of tempurpedic products set their own retail price and if you shopped around hard enough, you may find one that sells relatively cheap or at a discount.

However recently, Tempur-Pedic decided to change its policy. All tempurpedic mattress will be sold at the same retail prices so now it is really pointless to search around for the cheapest tempurpedic mattress.

The reason for this is that Tempur-Pedic wants to assure their customers that no matter where you get their products, it is always the same price and quality. That means no extra benefits added by the dealers such as free shipping, extra pillow, extra tempurpedic mattress topper etc to entice customers to buy. The same rules applies for all dealers.

However, I found sometimes you can get a good deal if you deal with the dealer directly. By directly, I mean going down to their retail store and negotiate with them. Sometimes they may give you a better price, sometimes not. If not, move on to other retail stores that carry tempurpedic mattresses.

Dont bother trying to call them or visit their web site since they would probably quote you the official prices for it. So the best way is to negotiate with the dealer directly.

The other way to get a cheap tempurpedic mattress is to go on ebay. There are a lot of sellers that sells cheap tempurpedic mattresses on ebay. However, there have been cases where the tempurpedic mattress brought were not of high quality and even worse not tempurpedic at all.

Do your due diligence and check out the seller, check their feedback and see what their previous customers have to say. You can email or phone the seller to make sure they are not selling fake tempurpedic mattresses.

The other alternative to buy other memory foam mattresses instead. Though I still prefer tempurpedic mattress, there are some people who cannot afford the prices.

Now, there are about a dozen different types of memory foam mattress sold, probably a lot more than I can count. So how do I get it that is cheap and comparable to tempurpedic mattress?

The only way to know is to test and that means paying a visit to your local retail store and trying it out first before buying. The most important thing is you feel comfortable and make sure there is a free trial or a back money guarantee so that you can always return it if you feel the memory foam mattress does not suit you.

Ricky Lim advocates using tempurpedic mattresses. For more information on tempurpedic, visit his website at Blog50399
Anna Diana Blog76356

Private Jet Charters - The Finest Way To Travel

Private jet charters, no wonder, offer one of the finest options, which is available for frequent travelers and passengers looking to avoid the slugging formalities of conventional flights. As one would assume, special things come at a special price. Private jet charters are not cheap in any way, but the benefits that they present make it worthwhile of the price.

If we can analyze the factors that contribute the compensation of the price value, the first thing that will come to our mind is the availability of the aircraft to fly in-and-out of almost any airport in the USA. It is pleasantly surprising to know that private jets have access to more than 5,000 airports in the U.S. and Europe! Secondly, the flights are pre-planned and there is no time wasted in clearing the papers, and other formalities. This comes along with the fact that you would have better cabin experience!

There are some sundry items that make private jet charters a luxury. Some of these include making sure that the quality of food is at par with restaurant food; the qualified and trained staff caters to small group of passengers; and most importantly you do not have any stop overs in between destinations, which helps in saving a lot of time.

Services offered to private jet charter travelers

Now that we have briefly considered that some sundry features make private jet charters a luxury for the travelers apart from the main attracting features, we venture to learn more about the special services that are available to travelers who opt for private jet charter services.

The food quality is one of the major points in aviation, and private jet charters have the upper hand in it. Most private jet companies employ favorite chefs cooking the food and maintaining the quality of the food up to the standards of a reputed physical restaurant. The availability of space and food quality make it a pleasure for business travelers to opt for private jet charters.

Business travelers are free to hold meetings within the plane, enjoy time with their families, and prepare for important business proceedings such as seminars, presentations, etc. Time is considered to be most important in any business, and this is what private jet charters help in achieving. This option saves a lot of time.

At the end we can say that private jet charters are a beautiful option available in two modes: you can own a private jet or rent it for your various types of purposes. Private jets do provide ease, security, time-saving, and luxurious options for traveling, whether you want to go for frequent business trips or want to spend some time-off with your family while going on vacations.

Max Stephen is the author of this Private Jet Charter article, and the webmaster of http://www.charter-private-jet.netCecile Blog89172
Ashly Blog98628

Parenting Teenagers - Your Teenagers First Year At College

The first year at college is an extremely stressful time for both the parent and the teenager. Not only is your teen truly leaving home for the first time, they also are leaving their friends and a world that they have lived in and felt comfortable with for years.

For most teenagers their first year includes a new area, along with a new room and roommate. College comes with a learning environment that is fast paced and a lot less personal than high school. This is sometimes an extreme shock to a teenager and they may soon find themselves struggling to keep up with and understand all the material they need to learn. Tests and quizzes are longer and require knowledge of much more material than High School, causing students' stress levels to rise even more.

With no one to really guide them, sometimes a first-year student will find unhealthy or dangerous ways to relax and take their mind off of school. Although the dangers your teenager faces in college are the same as high school, the environment, rules, and people which present these situations are completely different. Your teenager is now in a place where they have to make friends all over again, and since you, nor any other adult is looking over their shoulder to tell them "No", they may make unsafe and regretful decisions.

Drinking is the biggest threat to a teenager in college. Alcohol is easy to purchase and even easier to consume. Parties constantly exist near or even on campus, with availability of alcohol and sometimes even drugs. With no adults present and security personnel rarely showing up, a teenager may feel almost invincible, therefore pushing themselves to a level of drinking and partying that they cannot handle. A teenager may begin to spin out of control without even knowing it. Partying too much on the weekend, or even during the school week, may lead to classes being skipped. Before they know it, teenagers in their first year of college may find themselves falling behind in class, possibly leading to the failing of classes.

What Parents can Do

Keep in contact with your teenager, but do not smother them. Call occasionally to see how much time they are spending in their room. Do not ask them if they are going to class or not. Instead, ask more personal questions about their classes. For instance, if they are taking an English class, ask what book they are reading at the moment. If they have an assigned book reading, ask what the book is about and if they like it. Ask whether they are or are not enjoying reading it and find out why your teenager feels that way. By asking about the details, parents will get a better understanding about the progress their teen is making and how serious they are taking their classes.

It is also important to ask them how they like the college environment and if they are making friends. Ask what your son or daughter is doing in his or her spare time and what entertainment options are available.

Make sure your teen knows that he can call home anytime, especially if he feels overwhelmed or homesick.

At the same time, ask your teenager about the best time to reach him so you can talk to him when you are missing him. By admitting to your teen that you miss him it will be easier for your teen to pick up the phone to call you if she is homesick or feeling overwhelmed.

Parents experiencing the empty nest syndrome are sometimes tempted to convert their college freshman's room to other use. There are several reasons why I would recommend not doing that. First, your teen will be home from college more than parents initially think. Secondly, already troubled by the separation of family and friends, it would cause further distress to your teenager if his room were not available for him when he comes home. During the first year of college your teenager has to work through several emotional issues. It would ease some of the stress for your teenager if everything were the way she left it when she comes home during breaks.

Christina Botto has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years, observing and developing parenting strategies. Her dedication to helping parents inspired her to write her book, 'Help Me With My Teenager! A Step-by-step Guide for Parents that Works.' Christina continues to help parents and their teens through her website http://www.helpwithteenagers.comBari Blog67170
Anica Blog95062

Decide Your Success With Bookkeeping Outsourcing

It is needless to say that managing the financial aspect of every business is a vital part of equation of success and every organization understands it significance. Conversely it is also true that doing this work can be actually tiresome and time consuming as well. If you really want a solution of all your bookkeeping problems then bookkeeping outsourcing is the answer for you. The best thing about bookkeeping outsourcing is that you get a chance to save money and precious time that you can utilize in other important activities. Bookkeeping outsourcing definitely benefits your business as it assists you in managing financial and accounting activities proficiently.

Bookkeeping outsourcing makes accounting hassle free for you and keeps a birds eye on all transactions because you cannot afford to miss a single transaction as it can hamper the growth of your business. It is always a wise decision to hire bookkeeping outsourcing service for a business. An added advantage of hiring a bookkeeping firm is that you will be able to pay more attention to those issues which are ignored due to your busy schedule. Also the accountability of making accurate entries in ledger and day books rest with the bookkeeping outsourcing firm as the firm will be answerable to you in case of any mistake. Hence bookkeeping firms ensures accuracy and answerability in maintaining accurate financial records and statements.

Bookkeeping outsourcing has become a vital part of many businesses due to its accountability and efficiency. You can not only maintain transaction through bookkeeping services but can retrieve it whenever you need. Bookkeeping outsourcing includes data entry, single entry; commercial bookkeeping on computerized systems so that it may serve your business in best way. Your financial records and statements reflects the condition and size of your business therefore perfectly maintained accounts can help you in deciding future strategies and expansion plans. A profit and loss statement can help you in deciding which step is causing loss and what should be done for betterment. Bookkeeping outsourcing is therefore a big help for organizations by not only making properly maintained and processed accounting data available at a short notice, but also enabling the business to employ the resources, thus made available, in other divisions as well.

Selection of a bookkeeping outsourcing service is one of the most important decisions an individual or businesses can make. The essential thing that one should keep in mind while hiring a bookkeeping outsourcing service is the authenticity and accountability of that firm. Every company prefers services from such a firm where accounting professionals have genuine qualification and certificate from board of notification so make sure that the bookkeeping firms you are hiring have qualified professionals. Once you are satisfied then only the task of handling sensitive financial data and maintaining accounts can handed over to a bookkeeping outsourcing firm. Bookkeeping outsourcing is giving wonderful result that is why it is becoming key strategy of many businesses to hire bookkeeping services. Bookkeeping outsourcing can be your trusted partner in maintaining and expending profits.

Michelle Barkley is a CPA who advises people on tax preparation and tax calculation.She specializes in Back Office Outsourcing,bookkeeping outsourcing and accounting outsourcing.To know more about Accounting outsourcing services and to use the services visit http://www.ifrworld.comCatlaina Blog97178
Alexandra Blog23173

Learn on How Quickly and Easily Cleaning Window Blinds Can Be

Cleaning window blinds is one of those jobs that we tend to look so forward to doing that we have to hold ourselves back. Well, perhaps in a perfect world, but in the real world this is one job that is about as exciting as watching paint dry. As a result of this enthusiasm we generally do not get around to doing to job until it is a monumental task rather than doing it regularly when it wouldnt be such an issue. Whatever your reasons for putting off this onerous task, eventually it must be done, lest the dust overtake your windows.

Below you will find a short guide to cleaning most common blinds quickly and easily.

Venetian Blinds

If you are willing to go to the effort of completely removing them from your window (the recommended method for cleaning this particular mindat least once or twice per year) it is advised that you place them into a tub full of warm soapy water in order to clean them. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly and remove all the soap residue or your blinds may turn yellow over time. You will want to air dry your blinds Other methods include wiping them (while still hanging) with a mixture of vinegar and water, a citrus based cleaner (not a furniture polish), a micro fiber wash clothe, or using a vacuum cleaner with an attachment designs specifically for cleaning blinds.

Aluminum Mini Blinds

In order to get most of the dust off these blinds it is recommended that you shake them well or use a chemically treated dust cloth in order to remove the dust from in between the slats. Most vacuum cleaners have an attachment that works well for this particular type of blind. If they are really dirty, you can actually take these out of your window and spray them with a garden hose outside or simply soak them in a warm soapy tub. Be sure not to vigorously scrub these particular blinds while they are wet as they may scratch.

Wooden Blinds

Since water is a big no-no with this particular type of blind, it is recommended that you use a feather duster, Swiffer duster or similar product, micro fiber wash clothes, or your vacuum cleaner in order to clean these blinds. You can also use furniture polish if these havent been painted.

Pleated Fabric Window Shades

The best thing for these is a brief shake or a quick pass with the vacuum cleaner. You do not want to submerge them in water as this makes them more likely to degrade in color or texture (crispness of the creases) over time.

As you can see, no matter how terribly we build these chores to be in our minds, they rarely live up to our negative expectations. If you do the things mentioned above on a fairly regular basis you lessen the risk of the serious dirt that can build up over time.

Osmundo Bernabe invites you to Here we provide tips on window blinds and window coverings. For tips and ideas on window coverings check out, Blog45700
Carla Blog52421

Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationships Eroding Parent-Teacher Trust

How does this keep happening? Last Monday (June 25), ABC's Good Morning America (along with every media outlet in the US) reported another case of a trusted teacher hitting on a student! This time it's a male teacher involved in an inappropriate relationship with a female student. What's happening to the parent/teacher trust factor? Let's be honestit's evaporating faster than you can say, "crazy teachers and sexual misconduct."

I mean, I know it's a youth worshiping country, but this is getting ridiculous. According to every TV and radio station in the US, long time track coach Brenton Wuchae first started paying special attention to his then 14 year old student, Windy Hagar, a few years ago. He started giving her special attention and rides home from practice, which progressed into heavy texting, and eventually into full blown "love". What was a gaw-gaw couple in love to do? Head to the altar and tie the knot, of course!

There was only one thing standing in their way - - the law. Without the consent of Windy's parents, ole Brent would have been committing statutory rape if he had tried to whisk his 16 year old love away and wed secretly. Parents can't control everything, but until daughters are 18, they hold some pretty potent cards. Being armed with this power, what parent wouldn't choose to employ this restraint and give their starry eyed teenager a chance to get her head on straight?

The Hagars apparently! For some mysterious reason, Windy's mom and dad actually signed a parental consent form, and their sweet 16-year-old daughter became the wife of this 40 year old man. Windy's father, Dennis, said they were exhausted, that they had to "move on" because "it was going to kill us all."

They obviously had reasons that are very personal. I don't know all the dynamics involved in this family, but I'll tell you thisI don't get it. I admit I am wrong to judge from a distance. Perhaps they were indulging parents who just never learned to dominate their own emotions so they could say, "no". But let's put parents aside for a minute.

What concerns me more is that these cases cases of teachers involved in inappropriate romantic (and let's be honest sexual) relationships with their underage students are not diminishing. What's being done by state legislatures and school boards to reverse (or at least mitigate) the situation? Why aren't prospective teachers given a battery of "personality" tests before being offered their first 12 month contract?

Heck, you can't even get a good sales job without being subjected to the 4-5 hour Myers-Briggs Test. New sales candidates are told to relax, be yourself and answer honestly. After all, There are no "wrong answers" they say. Yeah...RIGHT! Of course there are wrong answers! If this weren't so, they'd require you to take the test AFTER they hire you! But I understand companies are trying to weed out timid, overly sensitive souls from their candidate base. For sales positions, they want driven people with the killer instinct. And why not they want results!

Don't you think it's about time these genius "personality profiling" companies came up with some type of "test" to weed out new teachers who are a little off-balance before they begin their teaching careers?

When Linda Felton Steinbaum approached me about producing her new play, Mustang Sally, I was excited because the subject is so topical. But its even more prevalent than I thought. Almost daily another case is in the news. Like dirty laundry, a long list of these cases with details about the age disparities is listed on the play's website; cases such as Lakina Stutts, Deana Bobo, Mary Kay Letourneau, Bethany Sherrill, Kelly Lynn Dalecki, Sherry Brians, Pamela Turner, Susan Eble, Tara Lynn Crisp, Laura Lynn Findlay, Carol Flannigan, Moan Marie Sladky, and let's not forget infamous Debra LaFave.. And these are only a few of the female offenders! I heard a rumor that the schools in Simi Valley California had three cases of female teachers and sexual misconduct with their students (that were successfully swept under the rug) LAST YEAR alone!

See the full ABC Good Morning America story of Mon, June 25, 2007, Anguished Parents Sign Consent Forms, Saying They Had No Choice at

Is it just me, or does anybody else find this disturbing?

Tish was an Art teacher at Newmark Junior High in the North Kansas City School District before moving to Los Angeles. She has since had principal acting roles in over 30 SAG and AFTRA productions and more than 35 stage productions. She has written several plays (one, YARD SALE, received 6 Drama-Logue Awards), 4 screenplays, several one-acts and 6 comedy episodes for a cable show. She has directed 5 plays (including Linda F Steinbaum's FAT CHANCE in 2006) and countless one-acts, as well as serving as producer for many of the projects listed.Cecily Blog45072
Beth Blog23055

IRS Audits and the Percentages

For most Americans, the mere suggestion of an IRS audit is enough to require the changing of the pants. So, what percent chance do you have of an IRS audit?

IRS Audits and the Percentages

Relax; the percentages of IRS picking you for audit are very small if you have filed your taxes honestly and properly. The IRS gets a couple hundred million tax returns filed every year. It does not have the necessary staff to audit each and every tax return. In fact, the IRS audits less than 2 percent of tax filers. So theoretically, the possibility of you getting audited by the IRS is very low unless you attract their attention by committing a few mistakes.

One area where you can hurt your possibility of an IRS audit is underreporting income. For zeroing in on possible undisclosed taxable income, the IRS has devised certain criteria. The IRS has computer software that separates the suspect filers from the clean ones. It also filters out filers who have claimed an excess of deductions, have shown losses for successive years and show expenses disproportionate to the size of their business.

If you earn $50,000 and show $10,000 as charitable deductions, your possibility of an IRS audit go up massively. The software will compare your deduction with others in your income group and will find that it is rare that anyone in that income range ever makes such donations. A red flag will be assigned to your file and it is audit time. If you actually have $10,000 in charitable deductions, however, this should not stop you from claiming them. You need to simply make sure that you have all the necessary documents to support your claim of making a donation in that amount.

More than employees, self-employed people are targets of audits as they have the ability to convert personal expenses in to business ones and put it under itemized deductions. Your car mileage and expenses on meals and entertainment must have detailed information backup. The use of a car or truck should have detailed logs and invoices of maintenance. Meals above $75 should have bills and for amounts below that, a simple entry in the diary with details of date, place and name of restaurant and kind of entertainment they provide, person entertained and your relationship to them will suffice.

An IRS auditing is inescapable when they are discrepancies or questionable activities on forms you file. Nevertheless, remember, these items must be deemed odd by the computer sorting out filing papers of every American. As a result, the possibility of you being audited is very small.

Richard A. Chapo is with - information on taxes.Celeste Blog52321
Andria Blog11398

It's Too Expensive!

"I can get the same thing at GNC or WalMart..."

Who hasn't cringed at hearing that? And sometimes, even reps have told me THEY think their product is kind of expensive.

What to do?

Instead of trying to justify the price at that moment, ask yourself this:

Are speaking to the right person? They might not be a member of the niche.

"It's too expensive" is a completely subjective assessment. Depends 100% on the values and priorities of the person speaking.

And we're not the same in values and priorities.

My Range Rover is "too expensive" according to some who are happy with something less expensive.

My tennis racquet is too expensive for someone else who gets theirs at WalMart

My organic spinach is too expensive for someone who doesn't mind regular.

However, my copy paper I don't care about, and I get the cheapest recycled stuff there is. For someone else, that's important and they get the expensive, good kind.

Think of anything that matters to you - your child's education; your skin or your shoes, or a hobby or cause you are completely devoted to. When it comes to those things, is anything too good?

Do we even need a reason to get that special high-end stroller, that Prada outfit or the must-have new computer or video console?

Here's a little secret: Everything that is extra special to you is something that you are not especially price sensitive to.

It's the "nothing's too good for X" syndrome.

If your health is #1, you will do what it takes to keep it. If your supplements are important to you, you'll spend what it takes on the high end supplements. I know I do.

Moral: Whenever someone tells you "It's too expensive" the person is likely NOT a member of your niche - they don't share your values about the thing you are marketing.

Like asking someone if they play tennis. How long will you keep nagging if they say they don't play?

Find your niche partners. People whose values, as reflected in your product or service, are similar to yours. They're not price sensitive then because they share that value.

So keep on asking - for members of your niche.

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog57538
Bellanca Blog68305

Try Out a Registry Cleaner - Speed Up Your System

Registry cleaners are made to make the system run faster and error free. These cleaners are available for free download from the Internet. So why not make the most of the system?

Windows operating system has a database repository for all information pertaining to a computers configuration. This information will include the data regarding the hardware and the software of the system. It will also include information regarding the users and what permissions they have on the system. The system registry keeps on growing automatically as programs are added and deleted. As the registry keeps growing it gets loaded with unnecessary information and data. This gradually clutters and fragments the registry over time. The constant growth of the registry can also degrade the performance of the PC and cause the system to crash. A good registry cleaner will defrag the registry and make it more compact by cleaning the registry of all the redundant entries that are slowing the system down.

Registry Cleaners Are a Must Have

Many registry cleaner software such as windows XP registry cleaner, windows free registry cleaner, PC registry cleaner and the like Scan the system registry and locate the obsolete information that is clogging and slowing down the system. This information can include broken links and redundant programs that serve no purpose to the system at all. The registry cleaners try to fix these broken links by locating the programs that can be associated with them or if the programs are already associated then the registry cleaner will delete the broken link altogether. This frees up space in the registry and leaves spaces that need to be filled by bringing the registry entries closer together. This is called compressing the registry. The purpose of a registry cleaner is to make the system run faster and error free. Most of the registry cleaners achieve this with ease.

Backup Function Is Most Important

Registry cleaners have a registry backup function that needs to be run before cleaning up the registry. This is because the registry is the backbone of the system and in case anything goes wrong at least the system can be restored to its previous working level. Many registry cleaners and registry repair software have a startup management tool built in. This permits the user to select the programs that start up automatically when the system boots. Though this can be achieved by typing the famous MSCONFIG command at the RUN dialogue box the registry tools keep you up-to-date with the programs that are in the startup of the system every time you run the registry cleaner on your system.

So to cut a long story short it is sufficient to say that PC users have found that the use of Registry Cleaners is a boon to the PC. The registry cleaner software keeps the system running fast and efficiently all the time. The only job left for the user to do is to manually run the Registry cleaner from time to time.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comCatrina Blog83352
Andi Blog76348

Eight Top Online Institutions You Should Consider Attending

If youve been surfing for quite some time now, you should have come across one or two distance education online universities. I have come across several. Now you need to be informed that not all the online schools out there are genuine. You have to look before you leap. Also, I wont advise you to enroll in an online institution that has not been in the business for a long time. Moreover, the certificate is one thing you must be particularly concerned with. Never get your certificate from a fraudulent online institution. It may hurt you later on in your career.

Though there are many fraudulent ones out there, there are still genuine distance education online universities. Let me help you with a few. However, I urge you to do further research on them before you make up your mind.

The Open University
The University of South Africa
The University of Phoenix
Walden University
DeVry University
Kaplan University
Everglades University
Ellis College

These are good schools and well known for their reputation of churching out quality graduates. Most employers of labour dont have any problem recruiting graduates of these and similar institutions. The reason is because their certificate is genuine and not bogus like the many being churned out these days from the internet world.

Another thing you should look out for when searching for distance education online universities is accreditation. Now dont be confused here as many people do. There is difference between school accreditation and course accreditation. Hence, you must make sure that the school you want to attend has both. In other words, the school must be accredited and the course you want to attend must also be accredited. The above lists of schools are all accredited. This means that getting certificates from any of them will pose no problem for you. Many employers all over the world accept certificates of these schools.

Now, must you attend any distance education online universities that tell you they are accredited? No, I dont advise you to. You must conduct a background check on the school to ensure that theyre truly accredited. The internet offers you this simple option. You dont have to go to the school to conduct the search, do it online and youll be amazed at the result. There are many sites that offer you these services for free even though what you get from them may be limited. However, if you have the fund, you may find any paid institutions that conduct background search to help you out.

Are distance education online universities expensive? Some are rather on the high side while there are several others that offer low fees depending on the type of degree you want. You should expect to pay more for masters and PhD degree than bachelors degree and diploma. Also, the course you want to enroll for plays a prominent factor in the fess to be paid. Most of the time, the sciences are often quite expensive than the non-science based courses.

Ras Reed provides more detailed and free information on distance education on his website. Check it out at Blog8756
Amalie Blog78893

Selecting Speakers For Your iPod

More and more people are purchasing a set of speakers for their iPods, some to replace their current home audio set ups in order to get rid of the cd collections that take up so much room, some to have a portable audio source for when they are away on holiday, some just for having some iPod speakers because everyone else is buying them! One of the problems we come across the most is people being faced with a huge selection of choices and feeling bewildered about what to buy. What I am aim to do is make your choice that little bit easier.

We can break down the different sets of speakers into the following categories:

Portable and powered by batteries.

Portable and powered by mains adapter.

Home Set up powered by mains adapter.

For those of you looking for a portable set that is powered by batteries there are a variety of excellent options at varying prices. Personally I am of the belief that whatever amount of money you are spending it is important that sound quality is pretty good as what use is a light speaker set that has crackily sound! If you are looking to spend under 50 then we highly rate both the Logic 3 i-Station 7 and the Monster iSpeaker. Both of these are very light to carry, are of a size very conveninet for putting ina backpack or suitcase and run for a good amount of time on batteries, sound from both is exceptional for this pricepoint with great clarity.

If you are looking to spend a little more then a lot of options open up in the 50 to 150 bracket. If lightweight is your number one problem then you will not go far wrong with the JBL On Tour, this is an incredibly lightweight unit that what it lacks in bass it makes up for in the sound clarity department. If you would prefer better sound quality then a step up to an Altec Lansing IM5 or Logitech MM50, Saitek A250 and for iPod Nano Owners the XtremeMac MicroBlast. All of these provide excellent sound alongside good looks and a highly portable structure. Once your budget is going over 150 you are in to the realms of a great portable system in the Altec Lansing IM7, thumping bass, crystal clear treble and a great portable structure, definetly the daddy of portable iPod Docking Stations and Speaker units.

If you would like something that can be considered portable but don't mind having to use a mains charger then there are a couple of good options available. One of our favourites is the Macally IceTune, this is indeed one of our top 5 iPod accessories altogether, when stacked up it looks like a coke can and has two separate speakers that can be removed and pointed to send sounds in different directions, the sound quality is excelletn for only 39.99 and it is very much portable but does require mains power. The JBL On Stage is another wonderful compact and lightweight unit that can be plugged into the mains for power and will charge your iPod while you listen to it, very high quality sound, lacks bass a littel but you are compromising bass to have such a small portable unit, clarity of sound and loudness are both very impressive. Another excellent unit in this bracket is the Logic 3 iStation 8, newly released and keeping up the fabulous reputation of the iStation 7 this really is worth the money, great combinations of bass and treble and very much a portable size and weight.

For the home set up there are a variety of options and in honesty the best value speakers in our opinion come at this price point. For just 59.99 you can have a pair of JBL Creature II's, these are surely one of the greatest home electronics products to ever hit the market, the bass is phenomenal and the clarity is superb, vocals sound great for many types of music, they also look very appealing and are bound to interest visitors who glaze their eyes upon them! Also in the JBL range are the Encounters, these expand on the Creature philosophy of an alien themed set of speakers and have even stronger bass, they are quite simply phenomenal! At this price point we also have the Harmon Kardon Soundsticks, for a long time these have been my individual favourite speakers, they are see through so you can have a look at what is going on inside and provide possibly the clearest vocals you will hear from iPod focused speakers they are simply outstanding, perhaps not as strong bass as the Encounters but still more than enough for most pallettes. For anyone considering a home iPod set up I strongly suggest a very close look at the Harmon Kardon Soundsticks they are oustanding and will fit in to 99% of home settings in the living room, dining room, kitchen etc!

Hopefully this guide has been of some use to you choosing your speakers, firstly establish which of the three categories your requirements for speakers come into and then you can use the above advice to direct you to some great units, we wish you the best of luck in your choice!

Nick Segrue is the Managing Director and Founder of MP3 Additions is one of the UK's fastest growing online retailers of iPod Accessories and strives to supply only the highest quality products that will always enhance your iPod experience. All products are thoroughly tested before being offered for sale and the staff at MP3 Additions are happy to advise you on any products you are interested in or catch your attention.Allx Blog5522
Ally Blog5222

5 Ways to Boost Your Earning Potential

1. Networking - Build a network of other people who are influential in your career field. Professional organizations, chambers of commerce, and networking groups are great resources for meeting people who are leaders in your field and community. As you cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with your networking contacts, youll likely learn about new job opportunities before they are announced to the general public.

2. Computer Skills - Having strong computer skills is a key to success in just about any career field. People who keep up with the latest software applications and operating systems often have a competitive advantage when it comes to being considered for promotions and getting new jobs. Even if you are very busy, there are a number of options for inexpensive and convenient online training programs that can help you stay on top of the latest advances in computer technology.

3. Professional Licensure - In many fields, there is a huge salary difference between licensed and unlicensed professionals. Say, for example that you work in the office of an apartment complex. Because of your work experience, you might very likely have the skills needed to be a real estate agent or home inspector, and you could boost your earning potential by becoming a licensed professional in one of these fields.

4. Get Certified - When employers are looking at hiring highly skilled professionals, they want to be sure that the candidates they choose do in fact have the skills to do the job. Earning a recognized certification in your field is one of the best ways to prove your skills to prospective employers.

5. Earn a Degree - One of the best ways to help yourself move up in your career is by increasing and validating your knowledge base with a degree. In many types of jobs, your pay rate is directly related to the highest level of education you have completed.

Working toward an advanced degree in your field can demonstrate to your current and future employers that you are committed to long term career success. If you already have an undergraduate degree, a graduate degree can have a positive impact on your earning potential.

The power to boost your ability to make more money is in your hands. The better connected you are and the more able you are to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and commitment to employers, the more control you will have over your future career success.

Mary Gormandy White is a career and training expert who specializes in customer service, management, communication, and career development training at Mobile Technical Institute MTI offers a full range of instructor-led and online training services for business and individuals. Stop by regularly for career advancement and professional development tips.Bunnie Blog54485
Ailee Blog45711

An Indian Rice Delight Makes Taste Buds All Over The World Enter Nirvana

Welcome to the Gourmet Indian Series. Today we bring you Chicken Biryani.

8-10 oz basmati rice rinsed 2 tbsp. olive oil
2 chopped onions
2 chopped garlic cloves
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh ginger
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
tsp. cayenne pepper
tsp. ground cumin

1 tbsp. fried onions
2 tbsp. toasted flaked almonds
1 tsp. ground coriander
a pinch of nutmeg
tsp. ground cinnamon
tsp. turmeric
6 fl oz natural yogurt
1 tsp. sugar
3 tbsp. raisins or sultanas
salt and black pepper

1. Boil the rice in 3 pts water with a little salt for 8 minutes, stirring once and keeping the water at a rolling boil.
2. Drain and reserve. Meanwhile, thinly slice the chicken breast.
3. In a large saucepan or casserole with a tight fitting lid heat the oil and fry the onion, ginger and garlic for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
4. Add the chicken, raise the heat and stir fry for 3 minutes.
5. Add all the ground spices and stir again for a few seconds.
6. Add the yogurt and stir for one minute, then add the sugar and raisins or sultanas and stir again. Check seasoning.
7. Put the rice on top then cover the saucepan with foil or a damp tea towel and put the lid on tightly.
8. Reduce the heat to low and cook undisturbed for 10 minutes.
9. Remove from heat and rest, still covered, for 5 minutes.
10. Uncover, sprinkle with the garnishes and serve.


Chris JacobBrigida Blog16943
Alix Blog46392

How To Improve Conversion Rates On E-commerce Sites

As competition increases in the online market space, more companies vie for Top 10 placement on the search engines, driving up costs per click. In such an environment it is imperative for companies bidding on top positions to convert as many visitor clicks into customers as possible. This article discusses a few measures all companies can take to improve conversion rates on their e-commerce sites.

1. Keyword Research

Ensure that your keyword research ( ) is thorough. If you only select the most obvious keywords, you will pay more, since all your competitors will also be bidding on them.

If you select only generic keywords, you will suffer low conversion rates since visitors typing such words in are often not yet ready to buy.

If you miss out the unique keywords which no one else is bidding on, you will miss the opportunity to sell to visitors that search on these keywords.

Use negative keywords to discourage irrelevant searches from displaying your advertisement.

2. Effective Ad Copy

Ensure that your ads describe your product or service precisely.

Do not lie in your ads to attract visitors. If visitors don't find what your ad promised on your site, they will leave, making your conversion rates fall.

Use your ad to discourage the wrong sort of people from clicking. E.g. if you sell a premium product, don't use words like "cheap" or "bargain".

3. Consistency

Deliver what your ad promises. Always.

Make sure that your offline and online advertising image is consistent.

Most importantly, for e-commerce sites, ensure that the price quoted is consistent throughout your site and through the entire checkout process.

4. No Hidden Costs

Make customers aware of any extra costs at the very start of the checkout process.

VAT and postage should be clearly mentioned as extras.

If the amount quoted at the start is unexpectedly different from the final total, customers will abandon the checkout process and shop elsewhere. This will make your conversion rate suffer greatly.

5. Comprehensive Search Engine Marketing

Customers often browse and return for products. If they can't find you when they return, you will loose the conversion.

Top 10 placement in the natural and paid listings often reinforces customer trust in your brand, making them more likely to buy from your site.

Ensure that your search engine marketing campaign ( ) also builds a brand in the minds of browsers, so that when they are ready to buy, they will come to your site since it is the only one they recognize.

When you increase conversion rates on your e-commerce site, you can automatically afford to bid more per click without suffering a loss. If you find CPC's rising and profitably diminishing rapidly, the first step you should take is to review your site to ensure that you are converting as many visitors as possible. The maths is very simple:

If you currently pay 1.00 per click on Google, convert only 1% of these clicks, and the profit you make on each conversion is just 100, your total cost = total profit, meaning you just break even.

If you have to raise your CPC to 1.10 per click in order to maintain your top 10 position, you will suffer a loss.

However, if you just raised your conversion rate by 1%, you would actually find yourself making a profit, since your cost would now be 110 for 100 clicks but the profit made from 2% conversion, i.e. 2 sales would be 200!

Other articles to read:

The advent of RSS advertising ( )

Website accessibility important for disabled visitors ( )

SEO Weekly ( )

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